Unlock the expression of your full potential and optimise your decisions
with Strategic Numerology
Strategic Numerology to get to know yourself better and move forward with greater confidence and relevance
More than just another mode of personal development, Strategic Numerology is a genuine strategic tool for facilitating personal development, for understanding your true nature, for what gives you meaning, for knowing how to be at the centre of your life, for knowing what blocks you, for detecting the right moments, for optimising your decisions; but also for understanding your child, your life partner or your business partner, and supporting them better.
What is a numerological reading?
In Strategic Numerology, a reading helps you to get to know yourself better: what are your talents, your fundamental needs, and your innate aptitudes? What are the obstacles preventing you from fulfilling your potential and living your life to the full?
The strategic numerology reading is done only once in your lifetime, with the option for an annual follow-up if desired.
In just one session, you’ll discover the 7 keys to understanding yourself, your life dynamics, and explanations for your difficulties and ways to overcome these. A reading in Strategic Numerology will give or restore your confidence in your potential, and make you aware of what is vital for you. It will enable you to confirm what you feel deep down inside, and thus help you to realise what gives you meaning.
What interests me is making each individual autonomous and a player in their own life.
Taking charge of your life
Strategic Numerology is designed to empower individuals in two areas of their lives. Personality: getting to know yourself better so you can reconnect with your fundamental needs, but also identify the qualities you need to develop, and the obstacles and challenges you need to overcome. Temporality: making better decisions so that you can move in the right direction, with greater ease and fluidity; and gain in efficiency, taking into account the “energy” of the moment.
Details and Investments
The consultation takes place by video call via Zoom. I do not send any documents other than your personal tree, as I record the entire consultation, which I then send to you by email. Everything happens during the appointment!
The service includes the time taken to present the chart, the preparation and analysis beforehand (several hours), as well as the expertise acquired through my training at the École De Numérologie Stratégique® in France and my practice.
Adult Chart
( > 24 yrs)
2 hrs
- Do you need to be reassured about your gifts/talents, and understand the right direction to take in your life; both in the major periods of your life, and in the year to come?
- Do you feel like you’re missing out on your life?
- Do you feel that your work lacks meaning?
- Are you tired or lack motivation?
- Would you like to find out more about your potential, your life purpose, your self-realisation needs; and an explanation of your blockages, and how to overcome these?
- Do you want to change your life, your job, take on a new challenge, but you don’t dare?
- Do you have a project in mind and want to check whether it is in line with your life direction, and whether the period is favourable?
- You are at a turning point in your life, and you want to check whether the period is opportune?
A numerological reading
will allow you to:
Get to know yourself better so you can refocus
Become aware of your limiting beliefs to help you free yourself from these
Get advice on the strategic direction to give to your life, and for the current year, in order to be more efficient
R2000 / $130
once in your lifetime
To offer a gift voucher, please contact me
Child / Young Adult Chart
( < 24 yrs)
1 hr 30 mins
- Would you like to find out more about your child’s talents, gifts, and resources; and understand them better, so you can communicate more effectively?
- Do you want to help your child make the right course choice?
- Is your child failing or suffering?
- Do you feel at a loss when faced with them, and are you looking for the keys to understanding them?
- If the child is a minor, the chart will be presented to the parent.
- If the child is over 16 years of age and motivated to receive their reading, he or she may take part, provided that he/she is accompanied by a parent, and has already done some personal introspection work with a therapist. The reading requires a minimum of self-knowledge to facilitate awareness.
- If the child is over the age of majority and under 24 years of age, the chart will be presented directly to the child, with or without the parent, depending on the child’s choice. Parents may receive their child’s chart alone, with the child’s agreement.
A child numerological reading will allow you to:
Better understand their personality
Respect their fundamental needs
Have keys adapted to their personality, in order to see them as they are, free from all projections
Find out what is holding them back, so that you can help them overcome it
Find out about their gifts and talents to help them find their bearings
R1800 / $110
Once in the child’s life
To offer a gift voucher, please contact me
The numbers that characterise us have a vibration
that influences us.
Adult Annual Follow-up
1 hr 30 mins
You have already received an adult reading, and:
- Would you like to start the new year with a clear idea of the key directions, so you can adapt better and gain in efficiency?
- Do you need to know the strategic priorities for the coming year?
- Do you have a project and need advice on whether the time is right?
- Are you at a crossroads in your life?
- Do you need to refocus on your life mission?
- Are you experiencing an important event in your life?
An annual follow-up
will allow you to:
Discover the direction you need to take during your current major period and in the year to come, in order to be more efficient
Check whether you are aligned with your life purpose and your need for self-realisation
Accompany you on important dates concerning your projects
R1600 / $90
Allow 12 months between consultations
To offer a gift voucher, please contact me
Couple/Business Partners Chart
3 hrs
- Are you a young couple/business partners looking to get off to a good start by getting to know each other in-depth?
- Do you want to find out about each other’s personalities, so that you can respect each other’s differences, be aware of the points to watch out for in the way you operate, and work on complementing each other?
- Are you going through a difficult period and want to give your couple/business association new opportunities by understanding each other’s fundamental needs, and showing greater respect for each other?
A couple/business partners numerological reading
will allow you to:
Take account of the diversity of each person's personality and talents
Become aware of everyone's fundamental needs
Give you keys to unlock blocking situations and adapt your behaviour
Optimise each individual's fulfilment
R3000 / $170
Once in the life of a couple/business partners
To offer a gift voucher, please contact me
For any other request :
(workshop, talk, etc.)
About me
I’ve spent my whole career in luxury marketing for some of the most prestigious groups, however, I’ve always been passionate about understanding the human-being and the immense diversity of personalities fundamentally. As such, I’ve taken a close interest in various tools since my university days: Process Communication®, the Enneagram, astrology; and finally, numerology which I discovered thanks to my husband. Being Cartesian and pragmatic by nature, Strategic Numerology, created by Lydie Castells, a renowned French numerologist, was a revelation. So, I qualified with École de Numérologie Stratégique® in France. I’ve lived on four continents and in six different countries; however, my most important journey has been to the depths of my heart. And the further I’ve progressed in my life as a corporate executive, the more it became clear that this wasn’t the life for me. I was missing a fundamental dimension: supporting others. And I’ve found that practicing numerology feeds this need to make people feel better, to help them grow and evolve, by enabling them in turn to find an activity that gives them meaning, and thus work for the common good.
In order to respect yourself, you have to know who you are.
Numerology has existed since the dawn of time, and Pythagoras was the first to take an interest in it. It is based on stable, individual elements that make each person unique in society: the date of birth, and all first names and birth surname. Each person is linked to numbers, and these numbers with their symbolic dimension, have an effect on personality that goes far beyond what we think.
A numerological study involves making various calculations using gematria and theosophical reduction, and then interpreting the results using the symbolism of the numbers. There’s no need to ask questions beforehand to access the elements that define you. Numbers alone are a well of information.
The Personal Tree is the greatest innovation in Strategic Numerology, making this tool easy to access by simplifying the often enigmatic language of classical numerology. It allows you to discover the 7 keys to your functioning, including your fundamental triangle – which forms the basis of your personality – so that you can learn to refocus and align with your true nature in order to follow the best path for you in life.
What elements of your identity should you take to study your numerological chart?
I've been married for a long time and use my husband's name. Which name should I give?
Always take your maiden name and all the first names on your identity card. Then, once you have a good understanding of your chart, with your family memories and your birth tools, you can go on to study how your social name has changed you professionally, if you’ve been using your married name for as long as you’ve been using your maiden name.
I was adopted and have changed my name. Which name should I give?
You should always take the elements that are noted on your identity card at the time you do the reading. When a person is adopted, the first name no longer appears and it is the adopted name that is noted on the identity card. As the old name is no longer noted, it will no longer interact. The new name will accompany you for the rest of your life, so that’s the one you should take.
I have two dates of birth (a real one and an official one that is wrong). Which date should I give?
The important date is the official date, because that’s what will officially follow you throughout your life.
I have dual nationality, with different first and last names on each of my identity cards. What should I give?
Ask yourself which nationality you feel closer to and choose the identity card that corresponds to the answer. If the answer is 50/50, which of the two countries do you live in? Where do you plan to live for the rest of your life? Choose the identity card that corresponds to the answer.
I have baptismal names. Do I need to take them into account?
Absolutely not, unless they are noted on your identity card with your other first names.
I have a usual name on my identity card that differs from my own name. Which name should I give?
Take all your first and last names as shown on your identity card. Then, once you have a good understanding of your chart, with your family memories and your birth tools, you can go on to study how your preferred name has changed you professionally, if you’ve been using it for as long as your birth names.
I have an artist's name on my identity card. Which name should I give?
Take all your first and last names as shown on your identity card. Then, once you have a good understanding of your chart, with your family memories and your birth tools, you can go on to study what your social name means to you in terms of professional development, if you’ve been using it for as long as your birth names.